A 10-day virtual challenge that will help you connect with and love on your beautiful body as we enter into 2024


Happy Holidays my beautiful friends,

I’m so excited for you to join Body Love! Starting January 1st, you’ll be inundated with messages telling you all the things that are wrong with your body. How you need to buy this and that product to become skinnier, prettier, and more desirable - all of it is absolute BS! We’ve been handed so many lies! Our bodies are so good, worthy, and beautiful and need more love, care, compassion, and presence over anything else. 

We live in a mind-over-matter culture. However, everything I’ve learned, studied, and experienced along my journey has shown how little this kind of mentality serves us. Our bodies are so wise, sending us messages throughout the day, informing us of how they truly feel. But we’ve learned how to override these knowings, falling into the trappings of what our culture tells us is the standard of beauty and we’re paying, majorly, for it. It’s leading to more sickness, chronic pain, and prescription drugs that keep us from actually feeling our feelings and getting to the root cause of our problems.

Our bodies are screaming louder and louder every day. As my dear sister, Jamie Lee Finch, likes to say, “Loud bodies are such loving bodies”. They’re yelling in pain (emotionally and physically) because we’re not inside of them. We’re not listening to them. This has been and continues to be my daily work. I left my body at a very young age because of the trauma I experienced in my childhood, after dying in a car accident in my teens and dealing with debilitating chronic pain for over 20 years. I’ve come to realize how I was never truly in my body. I’ve done everything possible to deny, numb, avoid, and shame my emotions, and I believed my body hated me, so I hated my body right back - which only made my pain so much worse. As we know, the body keeps the score. But this pain sent me on the holiest journey of coming back into my body and learning how to honor and love this beautiful vessel I get to embody in this life.

Over the past few weeks, I thought about how heartbreaking this conditioning is, as I’ve been on my own journey of unlearning these limiting stories for many years now. So as my own little form of resistance to the capitalist standard of beauty, I decided to create a BodyLove 10-day Challenge.

Here’s the thing, all our brain wants is to be proven right. If we’ve been conditioned to believe we need to look a certain way to be desirable or lovable, then all of the marketing that we’re bombarded with, telling us we need to use this cream, this makeup, this diet, this exercise plan, this surgery to be desired, chosen and loved, then all of these commercials and people pushing shit to you on Instagram to change yourself, will feel so true. Because you’ve already been conditioned to believe it. Your brain will see all this messaging and will use it to “prove” that something’s wrong with you and your body. This is so heartbreaking to me.

For this challenge, I’ve invited 9 incredible embodiment teachers, healers, and movement specialists to share their journeys and practices of embodiment with you. Each day, for 10 days, you’ll receive an email featuring one of these teachers and they will share their inspiration, stories, and practices with you as a way to help you connect deeper with your beautiful body. Each email will also include a short Q&A for you to learn more about them and their work, and to receive practical tools to help support you on your journey of returning back to the body. This is a completely free offering, with no invitation to buy anything at the end. It’s truly my own small way of combating all the lies we’re inundated with day in and day out, especially in the new year.

I believe this is such holy work, and hope you’ll join us for these sweet 10 days of BODY LOVE! My hope and intention with this challenge is that it’ll be a way to start your day filled with the truth of how good and holy your body is, with practices that help you embody that truth. A gift to you for this new year.

With so much love, Ruthie Lindsey

Hosted By: Ruthie Lindsey

Ruthie Lindsey is the author of the memoir There I Am, The Journey From Hopelessness To Healing, A Nashville-based speaker, coach, and midwife of souls. She helps people become endeared to their own life, soul and body.

Ruthie shares a remarkable story of surviving an accident as a teenager where she had a five percent chance to live and a one percent chance to walk, and the surgery that simultaneously saved and destroyed her body. As a young woman, chronic pain slowly pulled Ruthie away from everything she once held dear: her marriage, her faith, her family, her body, her very self. But her message is one of strength and resilience, the faith she lost and rebuilt in herself, and the power of telling a new story through radical self love and compassion. Ruthie mirrors to audiences how good our bodies are and, the liberation and healing that is inside of all of us and that every single part of us belongs here, especially the parts we have been taught are “bad”.

our Featured Teachers:

Hosted by Ruthie Lindsey

Ruthie is a Speaker, Couch, Author & Midwife of Souls. Helping people feel endeared to their own life, body and soul. Here for the liberation of all bodies.

Instagram: @ruthielindsey


Chetna Mehta

Chetna is the granddaughter of Indian and South African diasporas. Her training, education and work experiences span the social sciences, counseling psychology, yoga from a liberation-oriented perspective, cultural exchange, leadership and mentorship, somatics, mixed media and expressive healing arts, ceremony and ritual, and cultivating peaceful circles.

Website: www.mosaiceyeunfolding.com

Instagram: @mosaiceye

Rachel Sims

Rachel Sims is a healer, artist, and embodiment guide helping you ground, nourish, and honor your sacred body. She teaches the principles of slowness, pacing, and presence to help you drop back into your body after lifetimes of trauma and fear - to help you return to the feminine. She offers somatic exercises, guidance, and holistic practices for sovereign living (including helping people create more body freedom by starting their own at-home water-based business).

Website: www.RachelSimsLiving.com

Instagram: @rachelsimsliving

Mirirai Sithole

Mirirai loves existing in all its wild beautiful messy glory. She is an Actor (Theatre, TV, Film, Voice-over / Audiobooks), Founding Mother & Kriy8ive Director of Performing Arts Industry Production Company specializing in theatre: Aye Defy. Kundalini Yoga Practitioner and Teacher, Holy Fire III Reiki Student, silly person, serious person, sacred Artist unfolding.

Instagram: @Mi.r.irai or @ayedefy

Nurjahan Boulden

Nurjahan grew up with dreams of sharing her culture's unique practice of belly dance with the world. When she was shot in the leg in a random attack at age 21, she thought those dreams were destroyed. She suffered in silence physically and emotionally for almost a decade before she found the courage to dance again. She now teaches belly dance as a source of healing, inviting people around the world to release shame and celebrate their bodies, no matter what they've survived.

Website: nurjahanboulden.com

Instagram: instagram.com/nurjahanboulden


Sophie Strayed

Sophie Strand is a writer based in the Hudson Valley who focuses on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. But it would probably be more authentic to call her a neo-troubadour animist with a propensity to spin yarns that inevitably turn into love stories. She is the author of The Flowering Wand, The Madonna Secret, and a forthcoming memoir about disability and ecology.

Substack: sophiestrand.substack.com

Instagram: @cosmogyny


Maggie Hayes

Maggie is a somatic mentor and embodiment guide, focused on nervous system and body-based practice. She has taken her training and personal practice over 10+ years and created The Core Rising Method, a unique combination and flow of body-based techniques from the worlds of somatic healing, embodiment, yoga and breathwork.

Website: https://www.thecorerising.com

Instagram: @itsmaggiehayes

Angell Deer

Angell Deer is a mystic, medicine man, teacher, permaculturist, beekeeper, international speaker, and lover of all forms of life. He has dedicated his life to remembering, learning, and teaching ancient wisdom through the lineages of Andean Cosmology and Norse Shamanism. His passion is to weave words and stories, people and places, darkness and light, wounds and love, ancient and modern times.

Website: www.TheSanctuaryHeal.com

Instagram: @thesanctuary.angelldeer

Tejal Patel

Tejal is a guide and mentor trained and specialised in trauma-informed body-based healing. She supports female visionaries & cyclebreakers in transforming trauma, stepping into their personaL power & taking radical self-responsibility. She does this through 1:1 and group Embodied Mentorship™. Her background ranges from a wealth of experience in coaching and facilitation (from the corporate world to the decolonised community), to Eastern mystic arts & yoga.

Website: tejalpatelyoga.com

Instagram: @tejal__p

Juliana Luna

I’m the creatrix of Aluna, an African ancestral Moon wisdom framework to support people in deepening their connection to their intuition through lunar time/space.

Website: Alunamethod.com

Instagram: @julianaluna


What You’ll Need: 

  • 15 minutes each day for the daily practice

What You’ll Leave With:

  • Practical tools to continue helping you connect with your body

  • Wisdom and guidance from 10 body-based coaches, shamans, healers, and creatrixes

  • Daily resources including recommended books, podcasts, and more


Ready to step into the challenge?

Registration is closed. Thank you for everyone who registered!



  • It’s free!

  • This class is still for you. It is beginner-friendly (though even those experienced with this work may find something in it too.)